Next time you use your mobile phone, you might want to give it a little clean.
Researchers have discovered there are more bacteria on the average mobile than you will find in a toilet seat!
Experts said the reason is that phones are often passed between people which spreads the germs around - but they are never cleaned which means the diseases keep on building up.
So when did you last clean your mobile phone on your sleeves or on your skirt?
Previous research has found that other things we assume are clean are in reality rather disgusting.
British scientists discovered that cash machines have similar levels of pseudomonads and bacillus, bacterias which are known to cause sickness and diarrhoea, as they found in public toilets.b
Computer keyboards are also five times dirtier than the average lavatory seat.
Researchers from Which? swabbed 33 keyboards for food poisoning bugs e.coli, coliforms, staphylococcus aureus and enterobacteria and found four were a potential health hazard.
One was even ‘condemned’ because it was so infectious.
Remote controllers have also long been known as the grubbiest item in hotel rooms as they are never wiped down.