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Writer's pictureSonia Brown MBE

Why Some Business Owners Fail to Increase the Value of their Business When Others Double It!

Peer groups help SMEs to bridge the gap between reality and the future more successfully.

  • They hear real experiences that are relevant to their situation.

  • Make faster and better business decisions based on facts.

  • Become more proactive and less reactive when running their business.

  • Save their company money.

Do you know that Peer Groups are not a place where business owners meet with their friends or even make new ones.

It’s also not a place to identify prospective clients or business partners. It’s not even a networking group - although some do loosely refer to it as such.

The meetings are not social events, they are structured, focused meetings that achieve a stated purpose; to help each other address business ideas, problems, and growth in a trusting and open environment through their own experiences, insight and perspective.

They must adhere to the highest level of confidentiality and accountability

The Groups dig deep!

Thinly reasoned conclusions have no place in an Alpha group, the hallmark of our groups is something we call Issue Processing.

It is a structured, thorough and efficient approach to helping our members think through the dynamics of a challenge. It forces them to push beyond their own assumptions and get to the real issues.

That’s critical to understanding and evaluating options before making a decision and taking actions.

We are often asked, “what’s in it for me?”

Well, here are 7 reasons why it makes sense to become a Regional Director:

  1. It provides a competitive income and works well alongside other coaching or training activities, roles and your other career interests

  2. Have real independence - we’re not a franchise - and you can set your own work schedule

  3. We provide ongoing training to all of our Regional Directors to help them remain on top of their game

  4. You will be part of a huge, professional network of global coaches, consultants and facilitators

  5. It will probably be the most stimulating and challenging work you’ve ever done

  6. You’ll make a massive difference to your business community, a go-to person.

  7. Be able to create a residual income based on 7 possible income streams

Peer Groups are not new, but business owners often confuse them with other groups, such as Advisory Councils and networking groups. They may sound similar, but they are, in fact quite different.

A Peer Group consists of a group of Peers relied on for unbiased advice, insight, perspective, opinions, comments, expertise, experience and of course accountability.

A group of advisors who look through the windshield versus the rear-view mirror. Their purpose is to see and strive for what lies ahead, not what’s behind.

What Does a Regional Director Look Like?

Imagine a meeting in which all members gain new insight that they can put to practical use in their business.

Some might call them epiphanies, we call them AHA moments, and they are very common in properly facilitated Peer Groups (Alpha Groups).

When facilitators guide the group to challenge its perspectives, good solutions arise.

The right facilitator does not attempt to impress, but as a result of doing his or her job well he or she is impressive.

Take a look at this short taster video which highlights the role, benefits and opportunities of running your own exclusive peer-to-peer advisory board as a Regional Director on behalf of the Alpha Group.

If you would like further information about this business opportunity contact Colin Lindsay by email: or call: +44(0)7795976292

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