Rianna has been a prime-time television presenter of such flagship series as the BBC‘s Watchdog, Holiday, UK’s Worst…?, Newsroom Southeast, Wide World (Channel 5), and on BBC Radio 2 and Choice FM (Global Radio). Rianna is also recognised as Britain’s first black weather presenter.
Furthermore, after Moira Stuart declined the role, Rianna was approached to be the main host of Black Britain, the first program of its kind from the BBC’s News and Current Affairs Department.
Across three seasons, she conducted television interview one-hour specials with such accidental heroes as Doreen Lawrence, mother of slain teenager Stephen Lawrence, who singlehandedly changed the face of British justice.
Her celebrity interviewees include Piers Morgan, Ian Wright, Deepak Chopra, Mel B, Terry McMillan, Jackie Collins, Levi Roots, Laura Carmichael, Bruno Tonioli and Lara Pulver.
Now splitting her time between London and Los Angeles, Rianna is an International Relationship Consultant, Television Presenter and Inspirational Speaker dedicated to helping people become the person they most want to be.
All information and links were correct at the date of original publication on
23 Aug 2021
Share your journey from broadcaster and the inspiration behind relationship catalyst?
As a Relationship Consultant, TV Presenter and Inspirational Speaker, I am dedicated to helping people become the person they most want to be.
My work is devoted to sharing tools, ideas, and resources to help you master the art of radical self-love.
I definitely don’t know everything, but I do know a few undeniable thing.
The most undeniable is that without a foundation of radical self-love, there is no real success. And I can easily prove my point.
Growing up I felt different. Lonely all the time, as if I didn’t fit in anywhere.
So I made up my mind to make it. I believed if I was “someone” people would love me and I’d finally feel comfortable and at ease. That the hungry, searching feeling inside, would suddenly disappear. And I did “make it”.
This un-parented child of unskilled, immigrant workers defied all odds to become a history-maker – as Britain’s first Black Weather Presenter and Host on some of the biggest TV shows in England.
With a ton of celebrity friends, champagne on tap, a beautiful home with a shiny car parked outside, a bank manager on speed-dial, a wardrobe full of designer garbs, a sideboard full of awards, and the big respect of my community, you’d think I’d be bursting with happiness, right?
The more people fell in love with my sparkling public image, the lonelier I felt inside. Which just proves you can be wildly successful on the outside and still deeply unhappy on the inside.
When the lights went out and the cameras turned off the question was still an I worth all of this?
In 2010 I had a breakdown and in the middle of hopelessness, hope was born.
I had no choice but to step out of the public eye and privately do my inner-work.
I discovered my inner hunger couldn’t be filled by anything or anyone outside of me. The void inside me was me-shaped.
My journey home to myself took me all the way from London to Southern California where I recovered and blossomed, and so fell in love with the potential for human change that I ended up staying.
In Southern California I trained with spiritual masters such as Rev. Michael Beckwith (The Secret), and worked alongside some of the world’s top scientists and clinicians in the fields of addiction and mental health.
Ultimately I built a 9-bed residential home for accomplished and professional women like me who’d come undone. I called my vision “Imagine of Los Angeles – A Place for Transformation”.
For four years at Imagine I devised and tested my original system, helping hundreds of women – face to face – to come home to themselves.
Having prototyped and proven my original step-by-step formula I wanted to reach even more people and include men in the healing process too.
In 2018 I lovingly closed the doors to Imagine and launched my signature online coaching system.
It gives me so much joy to see the life-changing results my clients worldwide get every day.
You see love doesn’t sit there passively. Love creates its own momentum.
Why do you feel more people are requesting relationship coaching?
My group coaching system - Heart Remedy Formula - focuses on love- relationships and much more.
My clients get tangible results in 3 areas: wealth, health and personal relationships.
My signature step-by-step system puts the spotlight on relationship with self and that’s where it’s radically different from any other system out there that offers hints, tips and tricks that you have to rehearse and remember.
As humans we are built to connect with each other in order to create anything (where two or more are gathered) and love is the glue that binds us. But you simply cannot give away what you haven’t got!
Just think about it. Relationships are the hub of everything and yet everyone’s sitting round the table with a self-love deficit, separate, alone, scared, and hiding behind masks.
Deep down, people know exactly what they’re capable of. They just have to get willing to let go of some old mindsets, habits, things and situations that are standing in their way.
My system - Heart Remedy Formula - is the easiest, quickest and most direct way to be the person you were always meant to be.
People are recognising that self-love is the key to success in anything.
But there’s a lot of confusion about what self-love really is.
So many people are practicing emotional avoidance and calling it a positive mindset.
They are suffering, dying from loneliness, standing on the sidelines while their lives wither away in front of them.
Those who are completely over feeling sick and tired are coming to me for the solution and finding it.

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How difficult was the transition from corporate broadcaster to entrepreneur?
The transition from corporate broadcasting to digital entrepreneur flowed.
I followed my passion and that’s what I tell my clients to do even if it’s scary.
I’m a secret tech nerd and am happiest when there’s steam coming out of my laptop. That’s when time stands still for me.
My business was born at the intersection of my love for travel which a digital lifestyle permits, my passion for teaching and my thirst for tech.
Most people recognise me as a BBC newsroom journalist so I admit it was scary to come out as a healer of hearts.
In the end I had no choice. It felt stupid not to acknowledge the system that has given me such complete connection to everything i love and then pass it on to others. I’m so glad I did.
What does the future look like 2021 and beyond?
All of that is not to say I’ve left TV behind. Far from it.
I just bagged myself an incredible TV agent and we’re busy producing a digital series for Black History Month in October called UK’s 1st’s as I’m the UK’s 1st Black Weather Presenter.
I’ve already lined up Linford Christie OBE and Mr Motivator and there’s more to come…so watch this space.
I’m also ramping up to launch my own podcast (way overdue) and my agent is busy shopping a daytime pilot I produced during lockdown called “Gersh & Ri”.
So who knows what’s next… I’m here with open hands and an open heart to whatever the universe has in store for me.