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Acting as a bridge to many on an untried path; Bayo will have your back, making sure you stay on an unstoppable path to fulfilling your potential. He is the link between your dreams, goals and actions.  Bayo is the Founder and Director of Bigoh Coaching.

As Systems Business Coach®, Bayo focuses on helping people attain their professional and business goals through a carefully structured, two-way dialogue, which encourages self-awareness and self-empowerment—enabling people to uncover their own solutions to whatever obstacles are holding them back.

Bayo enjoys the complexity and rewards of being involved with charities, he is passionate about education and healthcare; supporting and developing organisations and entrepreneurial projects.

All information and links were correct at the date of original publication on
22 Dec 2021

Writing a Business Plan. Was it a good idea?

Looking back it proved to be essential.

Initially, I started with ideas floating in and around me.  After I was asked to consider leaving my role and job (the third time this had happened in my 27-year housing career); it dawned on me, that I needed to do and be something else.

I always had it in me to be a coach and or mentor.  The ideas and plan was the culmination of years of thinking but never collated into a plan of action until summer 2016. 

The ideas and goals I had were brought together as my plan of action; how and what I would do moving forward for the next 15 years.

What did you learn?

That what I wanted to do would be a great idea but it would be challenging.

I realised it would be different in many respects.  It would also be very difficult in terms of transitioning; managing expectations and constant reality checks on my self-worth, wellbeing and financial security.

It dawned on me, very early, that this was no longer just about me, but the impact it would have on my young family.

What was our purpose?  What was our vision?  How would we work together to achieve these?

Image by Josephine Bredehoft
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Did you start without one?

In truth, I did not have the Business Plan immediately.  I still had to do a lot of research.

I needed a better understanding of where I would pitch myself.

I had to work out over a period of time, who would be my potential audience; their problems and possible solutions?

More importantly, I soon realised that my Business Plan had to be very flexible and real to not only, my own goals but also my family’s aspirations.

Today, I would say the Business Plan we have is very agile, based on our vision and any unexpected challenges that may occur.

Where did you start?

I started with the Donald Miller, storyboard framework template.

I now use the Business Model Canvas for ease of reference, updating and sharing with my family and Bigoh Coaching team.

If you are ready to be engaged, educated and empowered then why not contact Bayo at or
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