Carol is a Personal Development, Career and Business Coach. We sit down with her and find out about how all of her skills help her and others to succeed.
All information and links were correct at the date of original publication on
12 Dec 2012
Tell us about Abounding Solutions and what you do.
I work with women in their forties who are unhappy at work but are too scared to do anything about it.
I help them to develop the confidence to make a career move and to find something that they love.
Using evidence based psychological techniques and approaches, I help my clients to identify self-limiting beliefs, overcome obstacles and to find out what is important to them for their career.
This gives them the confidence to go for career progression; make a career move or exit the corporate environment to set up their own business.
I offer one-to-one coaching and group sessions. One-to-one coaching is delivered face-to-face in London and via telephone or Skype elsewhere.
I do Embracing Career Change workshops for individuals that are facing redundancy or restructuring or who are unhappy in their current role but not sure what to do about it.
I also do confidence building under the “Slippers to Heels” banner where I offer online and offline workshops and programmes that help women to develop the confidence to do the things that they really want to do in both their personal and professional lives.
What was the catalyst that made you decide to go into business?
Having worked in the public sector for almost 28 years, at the age of 44, I faced restructuring from my role as a Senior Manager.
Rather than be placed in a role that I did not necessarily want to do, I decided to take personal control of what it was that I did and opted for voluntary redundancy.
I decided that I wanted to do something that was authentic to who I was and what I was passionate about.
The thing that I enjoyed the most over the years as a leader (and was good at), was helping to develop and motivate individuals and teams.
For me, setting up my coaching business was a natural progression.

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What was holding you back from being an entrepreneur at the time?
Up until a few years ago, I would never have thought that I would be self employed.
I had forged out a successful career in the organisation I was in and thought that I would be happy there until I retired (and collected the clock).
However, as soon as I heard the announcement that the organisation was restructuring, it was like my eyes were opened and I had my ‘ah ah’ moment. I thought to myself, O-P-P-O-R-T-U-N-I-T-Y!!
Although I had enjoyed my career to date;, suddenly the thought of working for myself became very attractive and this was an opportunity for me to carve out and shape a business entirely of my own creation.
What was the best business advice you were given?
To just get on and do it.
What is the most exciting thing happening in your sector right now?
As more and more people become aware of the benefits of coaching the demand for it is increasing, no matter what stage they are in their careers or personal life.
Women are realising that they don’t need to be in a crisis or having a problem to have coaching.
Research shows, that it can be very life changing for a woman when she enters her forties.
Suddenly life takes on a new meaning and often she seeks to find meaning, purpose and authenticity in her life.
Additionally the current economic climate is resulting in many women having to make significant career changes in their mid-/ late life.
Unclear about what it is that they want to do or direction to take; coaching helps them to find themselves and find their purpose with confidence.
What are your customers demanding more from you at the moment?
Many of my clients present to me a particular issue that they want coaching for but as the layers are unpeeled; the underlying issue is often a lack of self-confidence to take action on major decisions in their career or personal life.
I provide a variety of strategies and tools in which women can work with me to improve their confidence.
What social media platforms are you using at the moment?
I use Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin. I am still exploring and exploiting the use of all 3 in order to examine which is the most effective for me.
What is your take on personal business failures?
To me there is no such thing as personal business failure.
Instead, I view it as lessons to be learnt in order to get to where you are meant to be.
What is difference that is making the difference for success in business at the moment?
To me the difference is being authentic and listening to what the customer needs and providing for this need in the way that they want it.
Who are you following on Twitter and why?
I am following experts in my field so that I can learn from them, complimentary businesses for possible collaborations and most of all those that fit my customer profile so that they are aware of me.
What book would you recommend for entrepreneurs?
Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion by Robert Cialdini
What is your favourite quote and how are you applying this in your business?
I apply this when my initial thoughts tell me that I cannot do something or when those inhibiting, self limiting beliefs try to consume me.
What next for your business?
To take my business to the next level and raise my brand to increase exposure and impact in my sector.
I want to be known as the person to go to for women in their forties who lack confidence and are unhappy with their careers.