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Prior to establishing his consultancy, Rohit has over 20 years’ experience in the Financial Markets and has a range of international expertise, notably engineering, e-commerce, electronic platforms, technology.

He has been involved in establishing a fintech firm and also runs a food business called The Little Indian Kitchen alongside his wife.

Rohit has recently published two e-Books – ‘Unlock the Secrets of Revenue Growth’ and ‘Unlock the Secrets to Business Acceleration’.

Finally, he has also been recognised as one of the Top 100 Asian Stars in UK Tech and was also identified as a Pioneer in this space. Rohit is also a Regional Director & Trainer with The Alpha Group.

All information and links were correct at the date of original publication on
13 Dec 2021

Writing a Business Plan. Was it a good idea?

I’m a great believer in the power of having a business plan and continually advocate to my clients that if something is not written down, it’s not real.

When I came up with the idea for Palgrave, I certainly outlined my ideas in a business plan but deliberately kept it quite short – maximum 2 pages.

I also feel that the plan should be a living document and referred to quite frequently, say quarterly to semi-annually, so that your thoughts are reviewed, and new ideas or experiences are captured within.

Was it a good idea?

I fundamentally believe that small and medium size businesses need support as they begin to scale and sadly, the quality of support out there is, shall we say a little questionable.

My goal with the business was to help redress this issue and provide business owners with a variety of ways to access me and my services at a range of different price points.

Image by Josephine Bredehoft
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What did you learn?

That you need to be flexible and keep an open mind particularly around your business plan.

In my case, it was interesting to see how the business naturally evolved especially due to the pandemic and so a number of different opportunities arose including working with international clients.

This wasn’t something that I actively considered when the plan was originally being conceived.

This is why it’s so important to recognise that it’s not set in stone and should be viewed as a living document for you to capture and update your thoughts and approach accordingly.

Did you start without one?

No, but I think a lot of people are put off by the idea of a business plan and imagine that it needs to be super long and detailed.

In my experience, having something short and succinct really helps keep focus and should be something that can be done in a few hours.

Obviously, if you need your plan to seek funding or regulatory approval, it will need to be much more detailed but I think in general don’t be put off by one and they can be super helpful to present your ideas in a logical fashion.

  • Where did you start?

For me, it’s very much about the fundamentals:  where are you today and where do you want to be? what do you want to do?; who is it for? ; how do you stand apart from your peers/ competitors?; what skills do you bring to bear and what gaps might need filling?; how are you going to get out to market?

If you are looking for additional support contact Rohit at and IG: Twitter @The_BizCoach_UK
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