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In her current role, Aleka supports small to medium business owners and directors across the UK with organisational structures within various business sectors, including risk review, currency exchange, auto-enrolment, payroll, book-keeping, accounts, governance implementation, and succession planning.

Aleka assists with the strategic decisions for target management and contributes to the development of revenue initiatives with branding and marketing planning, technology, and company operations and management implementation.

Aleka is proud to have also designed and delivered workshops through strategic partnerships with housing associations, universities, and charities to their service users through her trademarked brand, the Financial HUGâ„¢.

She is a champion of creative functions with educational and finance at the core under the banner of High Tea and Higher Goals.

We talked to her for a second time for Write A Business Plan Month.

All information and links were correct at the date of original publication on
6 Dec 2021

Writing a Business Plan. Was it a good idea?

In the early stages, I only wrote a list of activities I could perform and got started.

Still, as word of mouth and referrals started to have a positive effect meaning my client bank increased, I realised I needed more structure and direction to target the right audience and create a niche for myself as the expert.

Make it stand out! Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

The development of the business plan was a good idea.  Despite assisting business owners with these activities, I realised it was much different when doing it for yourself.

It was personal, which in turn made it a more challenging process

What did you learn?

The need to be honest, research, and gain professional advice from someone not emotionally involved in the process.

To use an expert who could strengthen your internal limitations and push you beyond your fears and reservation

Image by Josephine Bredehoft
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Did you start without one?

Yes, but that can only sustain you and your business growth in the short term, and it is setting you up to fail

Where did you start?

I started with the NBWN's own Evolve Business Program.  I have nothing to add but to say the process was a positive and worthwhile decision.

As I previously mentioned, it stretched me to the success I am reaping and enjoying today.

If you are interested in seeking greater financial freedom then follow Aleka for your Financial HUGâ„¢ on LinkedIn or Twitter, where she's @alekagutzmore
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