Cathy's core work is based around aligning with the Flow of Life and the Intelligence of the Universe that will always carry you towards your potential, and clearing your abundance blocks through a transformational energy method she created called ‘The Flow Process’.
She's based in the UK near Manchester and works with clients in person and online globally through group programs, 1-2-1 mentoring and private sessions.
All information and links were correct at the date of original publication on
29 Aug 2014
What can you tell us about Cathy Ballard and how she works?
I’m known for branding from the heart and intuitive business coaching, and I work with coaches, consultants, therapists and other conscious entrepreneurs who are serious about creating a business and a brand that’s aligned with their authentic self and their higher purpose.
I help my clients see and own the value they bring to the world, and show them how to move beyond fears and limiting beliefs that are stopping them from living their best life and shining their light.
Together we uncover their unique brilliance – the essence that makes them naturally attractive to the clients they most love to work with, and then support them to reach new levels of purpose and profit so they can make the difference in the world they know they’re here to make.
What was the catalyst that made you decide to go into business?
I wanted to follow my real passion.
I left a fairly safe job as a graphic designer with a London design consultancy in order to do some soul searching and exploration to find what my real purpose was.
I had discovered my passion for facilitating transformation through personal and spiritual development at a consciousness centre I co-created and ran over several years in New Zealand.
I was trained in various therapies too, but wasn’t clear about what I wanted to do.
Over the next couple of years I set up as a graphic designer to pay the bills, doing work which didn’t excite me; and I founded The Aphrodite Club, a women’s personal transformation group, that I absolutely loved and learned a lot from, but where I hardly made any money.
Eventually I worked out how to combine my passion, skills, experience and values into one clear business with a brand that fits me perfectly.
It’s only since doing this that I really feel like I have a business, which is helping other women do what I‘ve done.

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What was holding you back from being an entrepreneur at the time?
Fear – Leaving a safe job just as the recession was taking hold
Lack of knowledge about business and how to value or sell my services
Lack of belief that people would want what I had to offer
What was the best business advice you were given?
Get a coach and join a mentoring group – they can see past your limitations, hold you to your vision so you don’t procrastinate, give you great time and money-saving advice from personal experience, and keep you accountable.
And secondly, be yourself.
What is the most exciting thing happening in your sector right now?
I’m enjoying seeing more and more women openly embracing their feminine spirit in business, which is bringing greater opportunities through collaboration, connection, by reaching out to others and giving support, and using intuition to guide business decisions to create a much more harmonious, conscious and interconnected way of living and working.
What are your customers demanding more of?
What people have been asking for recently is VIP days to get focus, clarity around their brand, alignment with their purpose, and practical action plans so they can shift their business to a new level.
They’re busy so they don’t have much time to take out of their business.
I love these powerful days because people make such significant shifts in such a short, but intense time, so I’m creating more time in my diary for taster sessions and discovery calls to introduce them to my style of working.
What social media tool are you using at the moment?
Facebook – it’s allowing me to interact and build my communities – my personal community and for Winning Women Central London, which is the business networking group I run as part of the global Winning Women team.
I’m very visual so it allows me to connect through words and images, and most of my ideal clients and potential partners use it to stay in touch.
It’s really helped me to raise my profile.
What is your take on personal business failures?
There’s no failure – only feedback!
I always look for the lesson in every experience, and I believe everything happens to us for a reason.
Understanding the steps to failure are equally as valuable as the steps to success and you have to have both to be able to help others.
What is difference that is making the difference for success in business at the moment?
I believe this is to do with coming from a place of “How can I powerfully serve to the best of my ability?” rather than “What’s in it for me?”
What book would you recommend for entrepreneurs?
The Go Giver by Bob Burg
What is your favourite quote?
I use this quote a lot to explain my process of branding from the heart.
When Michelangelo was asked how he carved such beautiful angels he replied, “I see the angel in the stone and then cut away everything around it”.
Everyone has the potential to create a work of art from their own life and express that in a way that’s authentic and congruent for them.
This quote illustrates how to uncover your purpose-led business and your unique brand through a process of revealing the true essence of who you already are within, by letting go of who you are not – your limitations and fears.
What next for your business?
In the Autumn I’ll be delivering my live online home study programme, ‘Brand from the Heart’.
It’s a six week course that takes you into your heart to align with your soul purpose, and the process goes deep to help you to uncover and express your unique brilliance which forms the foundation of your brand.
It aims to help you stand out as different and highly attractive to your ideal clients, highlights you as an expert in your field, helps you own your value, identifies what drives and motivates you, and focuses on creating a mindset for success.
I ran the pilot in the spring this year and I was blown away at the transformations people were experiencing, and the clarity and results they were getting!
I’ll be running a free online training where I’ll be giving a taster of the course and sharing exactly what you need to do to create a soulful business by branding from the heart. To find out more visit: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/7436863914594661890