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Joy is the Senior Stylist and Director of Potential U. She is a qualified Personal Stylist from the London College of Fashion with over 9 years expertise in the fashion industry.

Her achievements thus far comprises of work with the likes of Vogue magazine, BBC, ITV, Virgin, Champneys, HSBC, Selfridges, and national press.

Her passion for style together has equipped her to confidently style clients and celebrities over the years.

All information and links were correct at the date of original publication on
9 Jan 2013

Can you share with us a little about your business?

Potential U is a Style & Image Consultancy that helps Women and Men achieve Style and Confidence with their wardrobe!

We offer an array of Personal styling consultations; Wardrobe Styling; Image makeover’s; Personal Shopping; Commercial styling TV and Corporate Image/Branding presentations, etc.

What was the catalyst that made you decide to go into business?

As a child, I always loved fashion, but took the traditional route of a professional career.

My career started in the city where I worked as an accountant.

Unsatisfied and unfulfilled with my high-powered job as a financial controller. I took a leap of faith; from Finance to Fashion, quit my 13 year city career, to follow my dreams and birth Potential U.

Image by Josephine Bredehoft
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What was holding you back from being an entrepreneur at the time?

Age, experience perhaps…

What was the best business advice you were given?

You wear many hats in business; from sales; PR; Marketing; Accounts; admin; etc.

Business isn’t for the faint-hearted, it requires tenacity!

What is the most exciting thing happening in your sector right now?

I’m getting more TV work, which is so exciting!

What are your customers demanding more from you at the moment?

At Potential U we offer an array of bespoke personal styling consultations.

We are finding that flexibility and being adaptable to various clients need is key.

What social media tool are you using at the moment?

I’m a Facebook junkie, I luv it!

It enables me to keep abreast of what’s happening and update our clients about all the marvellous work Potential U is doing!

What is your take on personal business failures?

Failure is a part of life! Learn from them. Forgive yourself. Don’t repeat them and move on!

What is the difference that is making the difference for success in business?

The favour of God!

Who are you following on Twitter and why?

I’m a big fan of Colin Dye. He is an inspirational leader. His words and blogs are wise and timely for the season.

What book would you recommend for entrepreneurs?

Whatever is relevant to your field and/or industry.

I love learning and highly recommend retraining and education. I have loads of books on fashion and have read Rich Dad Poor Dad.

What is your favourite quote and how are you applying this in your business?

“Whatever your life’s work is; do it well. A man should do his job so well that the living, the dead, and the unborn could do it no better” — Martin Luther King, Jr

I believe we should strive to be the best in our respective field/industry.  I try to apply this to every aspect of my life. Excellence stands out!

What next for your business?

To secure a national TV styling show; similar to the likes of “What Not to Wear!”

For further information on Joy and her work, you can visit her website over at or follow them on Twitter, where they’re @PotentialU
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