No matter what you are going through …. know for certain: that this too will pass.
Un-expectant life’s knocks can really set us back immensely, and for some, it is only for a matter of hours, for others it could be days, weeks or months, and for others, it is a decade or perhaps more.
Life knocks include unemployment, redundancy, sudden bereavement in the family, miscarriage, career stagnation, being in-between jobs, post-natal depression, abortion, cancer, divorce, drug addiction, domestic violence, or abusive relationships, separation, betrayal by your partner or spouse, homelessness, financial loss, poverty, illness, rejection, imprisonment, shame or scandals to name a few of the many of life knocks.
Understand that knocks are inevitable and understand that there is nothing that you will face today that you and God together cannot handle.
You were born for greatness and you were designed to solve problems. If you are willing to take charge and responsibility for your life, you can speed up the healing process, recover, learn the lesson and successfully bounce back from the many knocks you receive in life.
How you view your situation or think and what you do about the situation will determine how well you cope and bounce back.
Whatever the knocks you are currently experiencing, you must believe that you are the best person to seek to overcome them. This is your life path: there is something in it for you to learn so that you can teach others to move through the same experience effortlessly.
The best teachers are those who have had it “ROUGH!!!” and experienced many knocks, however, they didn’t quit, they stood up and believed that they could be and do better.
To get better they took the steps to change their life by raising their standards, changing limiting beliefs and beginning to closely examine how they contributed to their present situation ie. their decisions, their choices, their beliefs etc.
They took charge of their lives and as a result, they are now able to teach others to do the same. All life wants is that you to learn the lesson from your many knocks and use this information to begin to truly reap the rewards of living your life more purposefully doing the things you love, and creating a life that is fulfilling to you.
You see, by the time you have been roughed up a few times, and you are still standing - you have somehow managed to make it through.
Take a moment then, to realise, recognise and appreciate just how tough and resilient you are.
You are an amazing, and incredible human being who has the resilience, wisdom and intelligence to turn things around.
You have plenty of options available: you have to put your mind to work to find the most effective life management strategies that will enable you to successfully handle and deal with many of life’s knocks.
Kanye West’s sung “What Don’t Kill You Will Make You Stronger", believe me when I tell you that life may throw things at us that sometimes hurt and will continue to hurt.
However, your job is to fight back and decide for yourself what you will and will not put up with in your life.
You are still here to tell the tale, you made it through, but others did not, HELLO!!!! …. YOU MADE IT THROUGH – YOU ARE STILL HERE!”. You have an opportunity to fix your life. Understand that you were made for greatness: you are a life work in progress you are being moulded for something bigger and better. The question is will you take the smooth route? i.e. sit down and give up like so many defeated women have chosen to do or will you rise up and unleash the warrior within you and face your challenges with the right mindset?
When faced with life’s challenges it helps if you remember that as part of the human experience you are here to “handle the business of life”.
Cast your mind back to when the “shit hit the fan”, and instead of running away, you were ready to shield yourself from the mess you did this by rolling up your sleeves taking care of damage control and immediately going to work on restoring order.
In that moment you had a “CAN DO/ I AM UNSTOPPABLE ATTITUDE”, at no point in your mind was there any room for doubt or fear. In fact, your incessant chatterbox was silent and at that point in time, without you even noticing, you allowed the Holy Spirit of God to enter into the equation and take over. (God has always been within you (waiting patiently) however, you just did not remember or did not define it as God).
With this new presence, immediately you knew what to do, an inner voice showed you the way and easily and effortlessly you did what you needed to do to get the job done.
Whilst doing the work you were so focused, your mind, body and spirit were one and you allowed the Holy Spirit to assist you.
Sometimes all we need to do is to become still, say a prayer, ask a question, become even more determined, even more tenacious focusing on what others run away from ie. “MINDING YOUR BUSINESS AND WORKING ON YOUR OWN LIFE.”
When you adopt this approach, you are then more able to dig down deep, finding new insights, knowledge and wisdom that you need to help you best handle the effects of life’s knocks you have experienced.
Many souls searching (sitting in silence, meditating, writing down your thoughts about how you see the situation improving and time alone reflecting will enable you to and unleash the power within you.
At this point, you can hear that one voice that guides you through everything - you and your inner voice become one, your mind, body and soul are in sync and you feel POWERFUL. You are now powerful enough to begin the healing process to stop the pain and figure out how to move yourself back to love, peace, joy and happiness and overcome your situation.
No matter what happens hang on it there! Believe that help in the form of a solution is on the way and that you are the best woman to deal with the situation.
As a woman you were blessed with an abundance of intuitive powers, it is this power that we must begin to learn to trust more fully to short-circuit the hard knocks that we experience. Head up! Shoulders back! Be optimistic and believe that you will find the answers to best cope to conquer many of life’s knocks.
Put your mind to work, and demand that it finds the most effective way to enable you to plan your unique and personal strategy to bounce back.
Life goes around in cycles, so begin to trace back in your memory a time you had a similar situation and you were able to overcome it, then begin to utilise this knowledge to help you crush your fears and make massive progress in handling the situation and turning things around.
Questions ...
What one thing could you do to help you better cope with life?
Who do you know who could offer you support?
What about the situation has made you afraid, scared, hurt (name the emotion)?
How are you prepared to take charge and control and try to view things differently so that you can handle the situation better?
Turn your setback into a comeback, and the shock of the unexpected might have whooped you upside your head, nevertheless, the important thing to remember is that you are still standing.
If you can look up you can get up!!! So dust yourself off, roll back your sleeves, and begin to figure out your best strategy and begin to take action.
Believe, that no matter what happens with God’s grace you will be able to handle it. The thing about life’s knocks is that it comes when we are not looking and least expecting them, this is why it is important to pay attention to what you did best to handle the situation or a similar situation in the past, so that when knocks come you can confidently bounce back instantaneously as a result of tapping into previous experience and knowledge of how you made it through.
Sandra Jarvis is the Pep Talks Coach, who has written 3 self-help motivational books, including ”How to Bounce Back From the Hard Knocks of Life: 90 Empowering Pep Talks messages for Women In Search of Happiness”, and has devised the ground-breaking TALK™ process.
This unique process enables women in search of happiness to effectively recover and bounce back from the many knocks in life eg. providing clients with BUSINESS OVERHAUL™ and LIFE OVERHAUL STRATEGIES™. The TALK™ 4-step coaching process consists of T.A.L.K. T = TEACH clients are taught how to take off the masks – to discover their “real self” A = AUTHENTIC from the inside out: clients are shown how to create their unique AUTHENTICITY BRANDING PLAN™ teaching them to positively view themselves and permanently affirm themselves through what they say to themselves, think about and towards themselves, treat themselves and do for themselves, and in so doing branding, marketing, and promoting themselves and their business image is clear and more impactful. L = LIFE MISSION/VISION/PATH clients learn how to revisit and re-trace their life journey to heal themselves from the past and align themselves to their unique life purpose and destiny, achieving the ultimate success they crave. K = KNOW the importance of kissing themselves daily with self-love/self-acceptance, walking and talking authentically using the ground-breaking TALK™ process to effortlessly achieve their goals and dreams, and successfully bounce back, handling and overcoming any knocks that life may throw at them. MOTIVATIONAL TALK OPPORTUNITIES .... Sandra Jarvis is available to give motivational talks to Women Executives within a corporate organisations, Clubs or Associations, Universities and Colleges For more information please call 020 3620 7343 or email: sandra4jarvis@gmail.com FOLLOW Sandra Jarvis at: https://www.facebook.com/sandra4jarvis http://twitter.com/sandra4jarvis uk.linkedin.com/in/sandra4jarvis