Hello again, and welcome to the final day of our 21 Days Diet, and I am so grateful and thankful that you have been part of it.
So right now, what colour is your happiness level?
Please let me know by commenting on this blog how this Sadness Diet© has helped you and any comments or suggestions you may have to help me improve it.
The idea of The Sadness Diet© is for us to look at the things that make us sad, and together find ways to help us feel happier and have a reason to wake up each day with a smile.
So on this journey, I have tried to support, motivate, inspire, love, and encourage you.
The method I used to help us look at ways of being happier is the part of a coaching model “IGROWS” which I learnt as part of my Life Coaching course with the Coaching Academy
“IGROWS” mean (Issue, Goals, Reality, Options, Willingness and Smiles.
Tips to Cope When You Feel a Bit Sad
Acknowledge that you are sad – because life is full of challenges and its OK to be sad.
Express Your Feelings of Sadness
It is important that you express how you feel as it is all part of the journey towards happiness.
So cry, scream etc it’s ok (this too will pass away) and be patient that in time you will feel happier again.
You could also have a sadness party https://confidentqueen.wordpress.com/2014/07/30/sadness-party/
If you are really feeling deeply sad or depressed, remember you are not alone, and if you feel like talking to someone there are the Samaritans, Mind, NHS Choices and similar organizations that can help you.
Before you go to bed each night just focus on things you are grateful for, think happy thoughts, play happy music so that you can go to bed feeling good and enjoying a good night’s sleep. ( See below on how to add the instant feel good factor to your day).
When you wake up each morning, take a deep breath, focus on grateful for, think happy thoughts, play happy music so that you can start your day with a smile and in a good mood. ( See below on how to add the instant feel good factor to your day)
Next Steps
Over the next few days, I want you to develop daily habits that will help you to cope with life’s unexpected events that make you sad.
Refer back to the 21 days diet and decide which activities work best for you.
Below is a suggestion of things you can do each day when you wake up, during the day and before going to bed.
Instant Feel Good Factor
Find a quiet place.
Sit down.
Breathe in slowly and Breathe out Slowly ( do this a couple of times).
Breathe in slowly and then laugh out loud slowly (do this a couple of times).
Say - I am so grateful and happy to be alive to see another day.
Think and focus on something that makes you feel happy or just make sing and dance to my favourite “Wake up I feel happy boom, boom, I feel like dancing around boom boom, and now I am dancing line no one’s watching boom, boom” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQPhLEWmTvo
Smile – Just spend a few seconds smiling, and then I want you to give out a couple of big laughs (hahaha) and say (woohoo boom boom)
Get Your Gift of a Smile Box, and make use of the items as you continue to feel good and smile,
Now give yourself a big hug them go and share a smile and a hug with someone else!
Over the last 21 Days, we have covered the following topics and if you do need the whole 21 days I can send you in my Ebook which I am creating for £7.
I also offer one to one coaching session to help you in your journey to your happier life and this is £27 per session which can be via Skype, telephone, and emails.
Face to Face meetings will be charged at a higher rate to cover travel time and costs. I am based in Gravesend, Kent (UK).
The 21 Days Sadness diet© Day 1 - Issue
The 21 Days Sadness diet© Day 2 - Goals
The 21 Days Sadness diet© Day 3 - Vision Boards
The 21 Days Sadness diet© Day 4 - Affirmations
The 21 Days Sadness diet© Day 5 - Celebrate our progress so far
The 21 Days Sadness diet© Day 6 - Don’t be weighed down by your problems
The 21 Days Sadness diet© Day 7 - The Gift of a Smile Box
The 21 Days Sadness diet© Day 8 - Options
The 21 Days Sadness diet© Day 9 - I am willing to change
The 21 Days Sadness diet© Day 10 - Don’t be discouraged
The 21 Days Sadness diet© Day 11 - Make the most of your time
The 21 Days Sadness diet© Day 12 - You are never too old
The 21 Days Sadness diet© Day 13 - Six Ways to Wellbeing
The 21 Days Sadness diet© Day 14 - Meditation by – Liz Almond
The 21 Days Sadness diet© Day 15 - Mindfulness from Action for Happiness
The 21 Days Sadness diet© Day 16 - It’s good to hug
The 21 Days Sadness diet© Day 18 - Bury your regrets
The 21 Days Sadness diet© Day 19 - Time to Review and Reflect
The 21 Days Sadness diet© Day 20 - Law of Attraction
The 21 Days Sadness diet© Day 21 - Congratulations