“Sadness is always temporary. This too shall pass away”
Thank you so much for joining our Sadness Diet and the journey to happier times
The method we will use is called “IGROWS” (Issue, Goals, Reality, Options, Willingness and Smiles)
Feedback from Yesterday
How did you get on yesterday? I would love for you to feedback on this blog or email me especially if you need help with any of the activities.
Where you able to complete all the activities? If not, don’t beat yourself up, you just need to find a way to complete each activity as it will really equip and empower you with the tools you need to be happier.
Summary of Activities We Completed Yesterday (Day 1 - Dealing with the Issue)
We completed the front cover of our journal/book with the title (My Journey to a Happier Life).
Recorded our Happiness Level on a scale from 0-10.
Wrote down everything that makes us feel sad, and why it makes us sad.
Went through the list and next to each thing that made us sad, we indicated whether it was something we had control over or something which was beyond our control,
Drew a heart shape and wrote down all the things in life right now that we are grateful for.
Today, using our IGROWS model, we will focus on our goals
Our goals are simply what we want to happen in a particular situation. Goals are best if they are written as if we have achieved them, including our feelings and thoughts.
Activity 1
From yesterday’s list of things that made you sad, I would like you to choose one of those things that you have control over and create a goal for it.
For example, if you feel sad because you don’t have a car at the moment, you need to spend time thinking about why you want the car; what would having a car allow you to do? How will you feel when you have the car? Where would you drive to? What type of car do you want? How you will celebrate once you have the car?
Example - My goal for a car – I am so happy and grateful that on the 15th of January 2015 I am at the Honda Car showroom in Gravesend where I am paying for and collecting my Yellow Honda Automatic Civic which is fully taxed, MOT and insured.
I feel so happy and excited as I drive my new car to collect my children and their friends from school, and what joy to see the surprise and excitement on their faces as we drive safely home and park the car in the garage. #WooHoo
Tips to Cope When You Feel a Bit Sad
Acknowledge that you are sad – because life is full of challenges and its OK to be sad
Express your feelings of sadness; it is important that you express how you feel as it is all part of the journey towards happiness. So cry, scream etc. it’s OK (this too will pass away).
Accept that with patience and time, you feel happier again.
You could also have a sadness party -->
If you are really feeling deeply sad or depressed, remember you are not alone, and if you feel like talking to someone there are the Samaritans, Mind, NHS Choices and similar organisations that can help you.
Before you go to bed each night just focus on things you are grateful for, think happy thoughts, and play happy music so that you can go to bed feeling good and enjoying a good night’s sleep
See you tomorrow when we will do some more work on setting goals, creating a vision board to bring our goals alive and compiling some positive affirmations to go with our goals.
Please check out this link for more information on setting goals